Sunday, 19 December 2010

Evaluation Question Six (What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?)

I have learned how to edit using the editing software Final Cut Pro, the camera shots and angles I need to use to create an effective shot. I also found out how to use After Effects and Garage Band.
This shows a printscreen of the software we used, this shows the open application Final Cut Express.From this software I learnt how to cut scene together and make them look professional by using fade in or out.

We used a HD video camera to shoot our thriller opening, because the video has better quality than a normal video camera. I learnt how to 'rig' and 'de-rig' a camera from the tripod. some techniques i learnt whilst shooting was how to zoom in and out and panning (also actually learning how to just basically operate the camera)
We had to use blogger to post our work. I learned how to improve and edit stuff on my blogger.

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