Sunday, 19 December 2010

Evaluation Question One (In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?)

1). Image 1 shows the title of the film opening. We chose the font colour to be red, because red signifies evil, gore/blood and anger. We decided to have a black background, because it fits the conventions of thriller genre (i.e. eerie, death, mystery). We wanted the title to have a potent impact, so we chose the colour red and made it bold.

2). Image 2 shows the setting and plot of where we had filmed, we chose this location because we used a car (without permission) which we had to use to shoot one of our scenes. We think if we ware to re-shoot we would have chosen a woodland, cemetery area.

3). Image 3 shows the costumes we used. in this image you can see a person with a balaclava on, this was used to comply with the mystery convention of thrillers (as the victim's identity could not be seen or revealed).

4). Image 4 shows the editing software we used, we used Final Cut Pro to cut and edit our thriller opening. Examples of editing we used include jump cuts, fade in and fade out.

5). Image 5 shows the effect software we used, we used After Effects to make our tiles and credits. we used After Effects, because it is a professional effect software. We were not fully satisfied with the credits, as we did not have enough time to improve the credits we had to use 20th Century Fox's historic production sequence.

6). Image 6 shows how the thriller sets up. We chose to add a 20th Century Fox's production sequence, to make our opening look more professional (although we are aware that we will not gain any marks for this).

7). Image 7 shows character prop and costumes. this shows the main character holding a gun and wearing thug like clothing which represent him as a thug and the gun complies with certain conventions of the thriller genre.

8). Image 8 shows our production logo. I put this in the opening, because we had done a lot of thriller opening research and found out that they pretty much always have a production logo at the commencement of the film.

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