Saturday, 16 October 2010

Duel Analysis

This is a classic tv film that was directed by Stephen Spielberg. This is one of the most tense thrillers ever. The mis-en-scene of this film is generally very dark and on edge. Character emotion in the film is extremely tense. The soundtrack used is extremely tense, it makes the audience feel very uneasy. There is very little sound used that is non-diegetic, the only non-diegetic music is the music when the car chase is on. The only real diegetic sound that is heard is the sound of the vehicles. The editing and the camera shots are linked in this film. For instance a onboard view of the car would cut away to a close-up of the truck's wheels. As this is an old film special effects will not have been used. The only character in this film that is established is the protagonist, the truck driver is not seen, infact you are never quite sure who he is, we just see suspects.

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