Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Phone Booth Analysis

The final film that I'm writing on is Phone Booth. This is an extremely edgy thriller that is set in a phone booth, and in a phone booth only. It has all the makings of a great thriller. The mis-en-scene of the film is as I have said very edgy and perhaps psycotic. The film is also very claustrophobic seeing as it is set for a whole film in just a tiny little phone booth. All of the sound heard in the film is diegetic due to the setting. In a phone booth there is not much going on really. The editing is extremely quick, cutting away to each of the characters as they have their showdown. I'm not sure about special effects as this film is not all that expensive. Maybe the closest they get to that is with the gunfire and the shootings. The opening of Phone Booth is actually quite tedious. It just shows the protagonist's ever day life. However it does establish the type of man/character that he is. The opening doesn't introduce anything because as i have aforementioned the opening of the film is nigh on tedious. It is a slow starter. it is very hard to describe the opening titles of this film as they do not really go with the film.

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