I can conclude from my questionnaire that everyone I handed out the questionnaire to have some sort of linking of thriller films. To be honest they only had two choices and only one would allow them to complete the questionnaire but I'll come to that later. When asked about their personal favourite thriller film I found that the film with the most admirers was 'Pulp Fiction', and this film was closely followed by 'The Godfather'. Overall the choices chosen were very diverse, some people put down films that were not on the list, they did this in the space that I provided. Some of the other choices included the likes of 'Collateral', 'Strangers on a Train' and 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'.
For my next question I wanted to find out a general personal opinion from everyone who completed the questionnaire on what they thought was the most famous thriller film of all time. The verdict was pretty much unanimous, almost every single person went for 'The Godfather', however three people went for 'The Shining' and one person gave their own suggestion of 'The Third Man'.
For the next question I gave the public six key conventions that are usually seen in thrillers. The options were: Murder, Robbery, Violence, Romance, Criminals and Heroes. The most ticked boxes were murder,violence, criminals and heroes, all with eight ticks respectively. Choices such as robbery, and romance were not as popular, but not by much.
For the next question I asked about famous thriller directors in order for me to find out their reputation and how widespread it is. I was not surprised by the feedback that I received as absolutely everyone knew Steven Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino. Also really well known were Alfred Hitchcock and Martin Scorsese. The least well known film director was Michael Mann, I found this quite surprising as I fell that he has made one of the best thrillers ever made in 'Collateral'.
For my final question I asked the public for their opinion of what they thought was the best thriller film of the decade (2000-2010). The choices that they were given were: Gladiator, Donnie Darko, I-Robot, Million Dollar Baby, The Bourne Supremacy or Kill Bill Vol.1 & 2. The most chosen option was 'The Bourne Supremacy', and feedback for this film icluded "A good and accurate representation of the book". I left a line for the public to write any films that they felt were the best, only one person chose to use this line and the film that they wrote down was 'The Good Shepherd'. Looking at the answers for my questionnaire, Donnie Darko seems particularly popular as well. Also someone else chose 'The Departed', stating in the process that "Was an immense movie - Scorsese at his best with a massive cast (until they all died). The Dark Knight is a popular choice but Departed much more my cup of tea"
Possible Drawbacks of the Questionnaire
Unfortunately my questionnaire has been critically panned. There are many reasons to this. It has been claimed that I did not indicate whether the respondants could select more than one option to the question that they were required to answer. It also was not clear as to whether the answer to the first question was 'no' whether the respondants needed to answer any other questions throughout the questionnaire. Some of my questions were considered to be subjected and were based on my own personal opinions. I was criticised vocally for my views on what is seen as a 'thriller' differed to other people. An example of this criticism "I'm not sure I'd call any of these 'thrillers' (In reference to my sixth and final question) but that is just a personal view". The final criticism was for my listed conventions of the thriller genre. There were apparently not enough options available, I agree with this as I should have include a thriller technique such as suspense, as without suspense a 'thriller' would not be a 'thriller'.